Thursday, January 3, 2013

Multi-Vitamins, why should we take them??

A few years ago, I was not so diligent in taking a multi-vitamin.  Then I learned more reasons, as to why it would be beneficial for all of us.

In a perfect world, with a perfect diet, and no harmful chemicals in the way of our digestion, we would all get exactly what we need from our foods.  Thats how we were originally designed, was it not?

However, we don't live in a perfect world, and I have yet to meet an individual who eats exactly as they should everyday, or at least, on most days.  That being said, a good multi-vitamin can fill the holes in your diet, the same goes for your pets, and your horses too.

First, quality is a matter of distinction.  Thy product with the best and most advertising, is not always the best choice!  If you were not already aware, nutritionals are not currently regulated by any third party governing body.  So, "nutritional" companies can get away with a lot of contanimation, or what is more commonly seen, the items listed on the label, are not in the product.  A lot of the times, the amounts listed on the label may have been there at production, but after being heated and bottled, maybe stored improperly, your 500mg of Vitamin C is now only 200mg, after digestion, you only get 50mg, making sense??

So, first and foremost, only use those products from companies you can trust.  I know thats a loaded statement, so I'm going to help you a bit. 

Some companies voluntarily subject themselves to audit by governing bodies.  Some of those third part bodies might include the USDA, FDA, AAFCO, and NASC.  Some are animal only, so you will want to learn thier seals.  If your not sure about your product, check with Consumer Labs.  They occasionally test different items for quality and contamination.

That being said, some of my favorite companies who make quality products are Food Science Corporation, DaVinci Labs, Mountain Naturals, Vetri-Science Laboratories, US Animal Nutritionals, Uckele Animal Health, New Chapter, and Garden of Life, Visalus Sciences.

How should I take my multi? 

Split your suggested dose in half.  Take half in the morning and half in the evening.  The same is true for your pets and horses.  You will absorb and utilize your water soluble vitamins best in the morning, and fat soluble vitamins best in the evening.

Vitamins for ourselves is an understood reason, we know what we are putting in our own mouths, because we are ACCOUNTABLE, right?!  :)

**How to know you are digesting your multi's, your urine should be bright yellow with 1-2 hours of ingesting your caplet.  This means your body is breaking down and using the B Vitamins accordingly.**

As for your pets, what diet are you feeding them?  Have you read the bag as to how much they are supposed to eat?

Even if you are feeding the best diets available, the recommended daily feeding is most often, a lot more than our pets need to keep a healthy weight.  Especially for a tiny dog, like a yorkie, or chihuahua, do you really think that small handful of food contains all the nutrients he/she needs for the day?  What if your pet is on a restricted diet, for weight loss, or because of any other health condition?  Now that hes getting less to eat, he's certainly not getting his vitamins.  So you can supplement the dietary plan with a good vitamin, like Canine Plus, Canine Plus Senior, Nu Cat, or Nu Cat Senior.

As for our horses, I'm personally not a big fan of pelleted diets, I've tried them, several of them, just didn't produce the results desired.  Whether you feed a pelleted diet, or a sweet feed, most companies recomend feeding 1# of feed per 100#'s of body weight daily!!!  Thats 12#'s of grain for my thoroughbred. 

Not only will I feel like I'm breaking the bank, but that is a ton of concentrate, and now we are talking colic risk in most cases.  The great majority of horses that I have worked with over the years do great on 1.5-3 pounds of grain fed twice daily, and top dressed with a vitamin.

Here is what my family uses....

My Husband takes Spectra Man, from DaVinci
My Son Takes Kids Mighty Vites, also from DaVinci
I take either Spectra Woman from DaVinci, or Vi-Pak from Visalus Sciences
Our Dogs get Canine Plus Senior from Vetri-Science
Our Cats get Nu Cat Senior Chews from Vetri-Science
Our Horses get either Vetri-Plus from Vetri-Science, or Equi-base grass from Uckele

If anyone is looking for a great place to shop for your nutritionals in central ohio, please check out...
The Garden Herb Shop  
(Nathan, Kelly, and Adrian are very knowledgeable, and will help you select a multi)
7 N. High Street
Canal Winchester, Ohio 43110
614-834-HERB (4372)

Thanks for reading this post, there is more I could share with you on Multi's, but then it would be really really long!  :)

The Healthy Equestrian

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